Thursday, January 26, 2012

Riot of colours

 (Wordless Thursday!)


KParthasarathi said...

Beautiful crochet patterns in eye catching colours.Do you crochet?

Anu said...

Wow,appealing pleasant colors! Do you do knitting?? Wow!

Vaidegi J said...

@ kp

Thankyou! :) Yes I do! You seem familiar with it!

@ Vaish

:) Thanks! Yes the colours were magical. This is crochet. Much simpler nd easier than knitting.

siva said...

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

And when it evolves from ones own fingers . . .

Vaidegi J said...

yes it does wonders the feeling of creating stuff!

drift wood said...


These are really incredible!
Another hidden talent, huh? *drumming fingers*

Vaidegi J said...

@ dw

was missed, nd good to have you here!

this aint talent, its just soothing flexing of fingers!

Reflections said...

ooooh so pretty and such beautiful & warm colours:-)) mum used to do it, just once I learnt a basic stitch from her & made a long muffler kinda I cant remember anything;-/