Rules of the Game : Starting with the given word, form a sentence, without using prepositions, pronouns or conjunctions. Poetic or wacky, it is entirely your choice. Points are not awarded, just based on the length of the sentence, vocabulary and expression also counts! The word given here is
Falling .....
Falling leaves swirl languorously gliding, swaying, creating a beautiful pattern, the blue sky, the canvas.
Falling leaves swirl languorously gliding, swaying, creating a beautiful pattern, the blue sky, the canvas.
Falling down served many a purpose, including a smashed ladder, heralding a tinkling laugh, making matters worse indeed.
Lets see who comes up with the phrasiest of the phrase-y sentences. Bring in the poetic streak, then on it becomes easy! Do pitch in, and have fun.
The following list, is not an exhaustive one, so some concessions have been made. But the specified words are to be skipped, or else will entail disqualification. Happy phrasing!!
Prepositions – "about," "above," "across," "after," "against," "along," "among," "around," "at," "before," "behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond," "but," "by," "despite," "down," "during," "except," "for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near," "of," "off," "on," "onto," "out," "outside," "over," "past," "since," "through," "throughout," "till," "to," "toward," "under," "underneath," "until," "up," "upon," "with," "within," and "without."
Pronouns – "I," "you," "she," "he," "it," "we," "you," "they,” "me," "you," "her," "him," "it," "us," "you," and "them."
Conjunctions - "and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," "so," or "yet", "after," "although," "as," "because," "before," "how," "if," "once," "since," "than," "that," "though," "till," "until," "when," "where," "whether," and "while."